Hinges Nano+: Cubesat sized hinges for reliable deploy operations
From €650
The Nano Hinges+ are mechanically simple, minimalistic, sturdy, CNC machined, sturdy and thick with very few failure points. They are mechanically actuated by loaded torsion springs calibrated to each individual array, attached via soldering or epoxy to the applied surface, lubricated with solid (powdered) graphene and coated in corona dope for any non-conductive surface.
The mechanical movement range is also hard-in-design specific to the particular hinge by stops incorporated into the geometry of the assembly. Each individual hinge can also, optionally, be configured as conductive to carry current from panel to panel.
Hard-stop custom deploy angle specified before manufacturing
All components are CNC machined with extreme precision
Corona dope coating for electrical isolation
Powered graphene lubrication for internal mechanisms
Optional single-channel electrical conductivity per hinge
Mechanically minimalistic, single spring operated
Slim, yet sturdy and over-engineered design
Custom configurable choice of mechanical mating
Designed for NanoSat applications, missions and requirements.
Manufactured according to NASA and ESA space standards and materials.
Repetitive functional and performance tests provided with documentation.
Availability: 12 weeks
User manual
Weight (depends on configuration): approx. 1 gram
Dimensions (LxWxH):
Deployed (180 degrees): 11mm x 25mm x 17.5mm
Deployed (90 degrees): 11mm x 25mm x 4.65mm
Stowed (0 degrees): 11mm x 25mm x 4.65mm
Interface Dimensions: 7mm x 25mm
Plate Thickness: 1mm
Surface separation when closed: 2.65mm
Axis Diameter: 2mm
Interface Flatness: +/- 0.01mm
Operating Temperature: -100C to +150C
Only TML and CVCM < 1% materials used, NASA and ESA approved.
Hinge Material: BeCu CNS 17200 Y1/2
Spring, Axis: Stainless Steel 304
Lubrication: Powdered graphene
Electrical Isolation: Corona Dope
All antennas are provided with tests reports regarding:
Thermal Bake out (10E-5 mbar @ 50C for 72 hours)
Full vibration test for Falcon 9, Electron, Soyuz, Dnepr and Long March 2D
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